Tree Construction
1. Given a sorted linked list, construct a Binary Search Tree.2. Given a doubly linked list, construct a Binary Search Tree and vice-a-versa.
3. Construct a Binary Search Tree given a preorder and an inorder traversal of the tree.
Inorder: B D A E F C
Preorder: A B D C E F
Java source code: Main class ->
Other classes ->,
Input File: TreeTraInput.txt
Types of Binary Tree
1. Normal Binary Tree
2. Binary Search Tree
3. Threaded Binary Tree
1. Preorder
2. Inorder
3. Postorder
Breadth First
4. Level order
5. Zig-Zag
1. Recursive
2. Iterative using Stack
3. Inorder tree traversal without recursion and use of stack ( Hint : Morris Traversal, Morris Traversal 2)
3. Inorder tree traversal without recursion and use of stack ( Hint : Morris Traversal, Morris Traversal 2)
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